Pregnancy Power Smoothie Recipe

Pregnancy Power Smoothie Recipe

There are several key vitamins and minerals pregnant moms need in their diet. I’m going to briefly share what they are, how you can get them from whole food sources, and provide you with a tasty smoothie recipe which incorporates everything you need. Folic Acid It’s...
Raising a Vegan Toddler

Raising a Vegan Toddler

In a previous post I explained why Paul and I have chosen a vegan lifestyle for our family. I would now like to share what we have learned about providing Sage with the nutrients he needs as a growing vegan toddler. Neither Paul or I grew up as vegans. And, most...
Why I am Vegan

Why I am Vegan

People become vegans for many different reasons; whether it’s for animal rights, environmentalism, health reasons, or the simple fact you don’t like the taste of dairy or meat products. Today, I would like to share my journey into veganism and why I chose this path...
Antioxidant Smoothie Punch

Antioxidant Smoothie Punch

Antioxidants come up frequently in discussions about wellness, healthy eating and preventing diseases. These powerful nutrients, which mostly come from the fresh fruits and vegetables we eat, prohibit (and in some cases prevent), the oxidation of other molecules in...
Baby-Led Weaning Basics

Baby-Led Weaning Basics

Let’s start with the basic question: What is Baby-Led Weaning (BLW)? Simply, BLW is feeding your children real whole foods when they are ready to introduce solids at six months of age. Many people start solids with rice cereal and purees. BLW takes a different...