by Melanie Darnell | May 16, 2015 | Developmental Activities, Parenting Advice
If your toddler is anything like Sage, then I can guess your child loves to open and close cabinets and mimic everything that mommy does in the kitchen! From pretending to mix bowls with whisks, to moving kitchenware in and out of cabinets, toddlers enjoy the hustle...
by Melanie Darnell | Apr 29, 2015 | Helpful Hints, Parenting Advice
This month Paul and I embarked on a family vacation to Hawaii. The tripped encompassed a five-hour flight, rental car, and off-site lodging, plus, it was all achieved with a 15-month-old in tow. The trip was one of our best, most enjoyable family vacations...
by Melanie Darnell | Apr 3, 2015 | Developmental Activities, Parenting Advice
I’m always looking for new and fun activities for Sage. Last week I took him to his first messy art class. While he was the youngest kid in class (and we found he was still a bit young for it), the experience reminded me how much he loves to finger paint. Before you...
by Melanie Darnell | Feb 23, 2015 | Baby's Firsts, Parenting Advice, Tabs
When should you take your baby to the dentist? Does your baby need a dentist appointment if he only has a couple of teeth? What happens during a baby’s trip to the dentist? I’ve found that a lot of parents ask these questions and feel worried about their child’s...
by Melanie Darnell | Feb 21, 2015 | Baby's Firsts, Parenting Advice, Tabs
We finally got pictures back from Sage’s first birthday. I still can’t get over our little boy is one-year-old. Happy first birthday to our very special ninja! We had such an amazing day celebrating with friends and family American Ninja Warrior style....