by Melanie Darnell | Feb 2, 2017 | Developmental Activities, Parenting Advice
We have officially gone two months with ZERO screen time and we like the results. I have a three year-old son and a 15-month old daughter. Eliminating all screen time has resulted in less tantrums, fewer bad-attitude days, fewer potty accidents, increased imaginary...
by Melanie Darnell | Jan 24, 2017 | Helpful Hints, Parenting Advice
In midst of constantly trying to be super mom, many moms are foregoing the most essential ingredient in achieving such a role, SLEEP! I find many of my mommy friends are functioning on very little sleep all too often. Caffeine and mommy-will can only sustain a person...
by Melanie Darnell | Jan 2, 2017 | Developmental Activities, My Favorites, Parenting Advice
The kitchen can be a great classroom for your child. It provides ample opportunities to teach a variety of things from colors to counting, food groups and the importance of nutrition. In addition, involving your child in the kitchen will fill them with self-confidence...
by Melanie Darnell | Sep 27, 2016 | Parenting Advice
In today’s current parenting environment the pressure to enroll your child in preschool seems to begin early and earlier. Today, many “preschool” programs start as early as 18 months. As a parent, that means you will have to relinquish some control over your...
by Melanie Darnell | May 26, 2015 | Baby's Firsts, Parenting Advice
If you have one child, I’m sure at this point you, your husband and your little one are now comfortable with the family of three you have become. Your first child is currently the center of your world, your days are planned around his nap schedule, all toys in the...
by Melanie Darnell | May 19, 2015 | Baby Gear, Helpful Hints, My Favorites, Parenting Advice
When I was putting together Sage’s playroom I wanted to create a space that would facilitate learning and allow Sage to have full control over his activities. Many of my ideas and design concepts for the playroom were inspired by the Montessori philosophy. The...