Hey friends, I’m back with a new workout that’s perfectly safe for you and baby — whether you’re 28 weeks pregnant like me, or you’re busy chasing a little one around. No matter you situation, it’s only 10 minutes long, so you can make time for yourself and complete this fun workout.
Today I’m going to help you squeeze in a cardio-packed set of exercises that will increase your heart rate, build strong muscle and as always, help you maintain your flexibility. This workout requires a set of dumbbells (or water bottles) as we do bicep curls to strengthen your arms. I chose to use 8-lb. weights, but choose a set that feels most comfortable to you.
Keep in mind that this pregnancy-safe workout left me a little sore the next day, so it does require a moderate level of fitness. However, in the video, I provide instructions for how to make the workout easier or more challenging depending on your fitness level.
Now it’s time to break a sweat, fit mommas!

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