Fit and Healthy with Essential Oils
The questions and dm’s on insta I have received around my oily posts and stories have been so fun to learn together. I am loving this for my family and know you will to! Check out the info and options below to get started on the path that feels best for you! Or if you are READY TO JUMP IN now, click here to start with the same kit I chose for my family!
Why Essential Oils?
As you know, I am always looking for ways to improve my health and take better care of my family, and I have to admit, essential oils have been on my radar for a few years but I wasn’t so sure … Are they effective and safe for my vegan lifestyle? Which kind should I buy? How in the world do you use them and how do I get started?
Let’s take these one by one. But first watch this powerful video on how these great plant based solutions are carefully selected for us!
Gifts of the Earth
Ever wanted a Personal Guide To Oils & Your Natural Lifestyle?
I knew you’d be head nodding yes for that question! Well after a few months of working hard for my tribe I have put together a WHOLE TEAM of Wellness Advocates to guide you on this journey! From purchasing your oils, to learning how to use them, and so much more! This amazing group is led by my dear friends John and Lauren Busch, who I have known since high school! They have an amazing family and have been a great resource on my oily journey!
Are they effective and safe for my vegan lifestyle?
I loved learning that essential oils are naturally occurring in plants. You had me at plants … Kind of like their own self defense system. So they’re natural and safe and come from plants. Okay so far right? When they are harvested properly I was amazed to learn that they are as much as 50 to 70 times more potent than their herbal companion. Like one drop of Peppermint Essential oil is the equivalent of 28 cups of peppermint tea. My interest was peaked, is yours? Stay with me, pure essential oils have amazing health properties and so many wonderful uses for families. I even use them to support me in my roles as a mother and wife! Things like supporting my children’s immune system, cleansing properties for my body after those workouts and even calming benefits for me and the kids after a long day. Honestly, I started thinking how did I survive without them? Okay so which brand, let’s hit that next …
Does the brand matter? What kind should I buy?
Oh does it matter, and this is a space I quickly learned people are VERY passionate about their essential oils. The more I learn about them is great to feel empowered as a momma, let me share why I only use doTERRA oils in my home and with my kids. doTERRA is the largest essential oil company in the world, they are also the most tested and pure oils available. Sounds good right? But a company can test their own oils can’t they and say they’re good? Yes, and some do, but not doTERRA. They have all their oils 3rd party testing which I also liked and doTERRA has an incredible track record for purity and keeping quality always being a top priority. This was important to me because I wanted to know when I used and oil for me and especially the kids that it would be the same everytime and have the same positive outcome we are hoping for. DoTERRA also has an amazing program called co-impact sourcing, that is at the core of how they source their oils; grab the tissues and check out this powerful video.
Lifting Entire Communities
How Do I Use Oils?
If you have ever enjoyed the scent of a rose, you’ve experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. These naturally occurring, volatile aromatic compounds are found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant. In addition to giving plants their distinctive smells, essential oils protect plants and play a role in plant pollination. In addition to their intrinsic benefits to plants and being beautifully fragrant to people, essential oils have long been used for food preparation, beauty treatment, and health care practices.

How Do I Get Started?
I knew you’d want to know more, I’ve been loving them for over a year now! My hope is that these natural solutions will be as impactful for your life as they have been for mine.
Here’s how simple it is to get your oils:
There are 2 ways to get your oils:
a) Start With A Kit Like Me: My favorite kit and the one I started with is the Home Essentials kit, with two add on items to give you all the tools to rock this natural wellnes lifestyle with oils! It includes the top 10 oils and a diffuser! Click here to get that today! Healthy Home Kit
b) Or Personalize Your Order: You can select the oils you want to address specific goals and lock in the 25% wholesale pricing here. Get Wholesale Pricing and Personalize My Order
“Healthy Start Kit”
The fitmomma “Family Essentials” Kit
(price shown includes $35 wholesale membership & free holistic wellness consulation and
8 hours of free Continuing Education for Essential Oils)
Family Essentials Kit: (5 mL bottles)
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Peppermint
- Tea Tree
- Oregano
- Frankincense
- Deep Blue®
- doTERRA Breathe®
- doTERRA On Guard®
- DigestZen®
Other Products:
- Brevi® Stone Diffuser
Total wholesale price for above items $ 160 (plus tax & shipping).
Healthy Start: Top 10 Oils Plus a Diffuser!
The top 10 most popular doTERRA oils in 5ml bottles to begin your essential oil experiences. These bottles will help you explore both single oils like Lemon and Peppermint, some of my favorites but also some great essential oil blends. Belnds are just a few oils mixed together for a specific purpose, like deep blue, great for pain, another fitmomma fav.
“New Momma Basics Kit”
Great for getting started with oils, perfect for littles and big kids!
(price shown includes $35 wholesale membership & free holistic wellness consulation)
New Momma Basics Kit includes:
Contains: Six unique 10mL roll-ons Thinker™ Calmer™ Stronger™ Rescuer™ Steady™ Brave™ Six silicone toppers with carabiners Instructional flashcards Carrying case with carabiner
Petal Diffuser, 5 oils and Deep Blue Rub
Total wholesale price for above items $ 257 (plus tax & shipping).
Kids Kit + 5 Amazing Oils and a Diffuser!
A great starter set that includes 2 of the best ways to use essentail oils (easy to use rollerbottles and a diffuser)! This combo will help little and big kids as well as adults continue their wellness lifestyle.
These kids oils come in an amazing and cute carrying case with flashcards even the kids will understand on how to support their growing bodies! And the Simple Solutions kit comes with the Deep Blue Rub, one of my husbands favs and mine too Plus a few oils!
* To get started, click button below.
“Healthy Home Kit”
The fitmomma “Gimme All The Things” Kit
* This is the kit I started with! Loved having a good varierty of oils to address health goals and concerns for our family.
Healthy HOME Kit
Get the highest quality essential oils from doTERRA along with some amazing and natural lifestyle wellness products. You will immediatley be oiled up with most all you need to handle life’s surprises. Empower your family, diffuse all day long (and night), support healthy lifestyle and so much more! This is a great starter kit for those some of us who just want to have it ALL in your home!
Get going making over your house and using powerful plant based pure essential oils to support you and your Home!
Essential Oils:
Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon, Tea Tree, Oregano, Peppermint, doTERRA Breathe®, DigestZen®,doTERRA On Guard®, Deep Blue® ( 5mL)
On Guard® Products:
doTERRA On Guard® Sanitizing Mist
doTERRA On Guard® Cleaner Concentrate
doTERRA On Guard® Foaming Hand Wash
doTERRA On Guard® Foaming Hand Wash Dispenser
doTERRA On Guard® Natural Whitening Toothpaste
Other Products:
Brevi Stone Diffuser
Protecting Shampoo
Smoothing Conditioner
Total wholesale price for above items $ 350 (plus tax & shipping).
Wait for your oils to arrive and book your “I Got My Kit Now What” video chat in the section below.
We will rock this together soon!